Monday, October 1, 2007


* I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy.
* The top priority of the President as Commander in Chief is first and foremost protecting our own citizens.
* With a focus on renewed diplomacy and inclusion, we can accomplish the goals of our nation without having to go it alone.
* During the Cold War, we had hawks and doves, but this new war requires us to be a phoenix, rising reborn to meet each new challenge and seize each new opportunity.
* As President, I will fight this war hard, but I will also fight it smart, using all our political, economic, diplomatic, and intelligence weapons as well as our military might.
* The terrorists train in small, scattered groups. We can accomplish a great deal with swift, surgical air strikes and commando raids by our elite units.
* We have to get tough with President Musharaff who has allowed Al Qaeda and the Taliban to have bases in Waziristan.
* We don't have a dog in the fight between Sunnis and Shiites - our enemy is Islamic extremism in all its guises.
* The long-term solution is to empower moderates in the region by attacking the underlying conditions that breed terror.
* Part of winning the war on terror is achieving energy independence.
* I believe in the Powell Doctrine of using overwhelming force to accomplish a mission.
* I have the executive and crisis management experience, the judgment and the temperament to be an effective commander in chief.
* I will expand the army and increase the defense budget.

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